Architekt, Philosoph und Mathematiker

Christopher Alexander



1983 fiel mir in einem Buchladen in Oxford zufällig ein Buch mit dem Titel: A Timeless Way of Architecture von Christopher Alexander in die Hände. Seither begleiten mich Christopher Alexanders Gedanken und seine fortdauernde Suche nach Orten, wo wir uns lebendig fühlen, nach der "Qualität ohne Namen", die unser Innerstes berührt und all unsere Sinne anspricht.
In einem seiner Artikel schreibt C.A. über die "Quality without a Name":

You recognize it in the inspired jumble of an Italian hill town. You sense it in the orderliness of a New England village. You may have experienced it in your grandparents' farmhouse or an old bungalow you shared in college. It makes you feel comfortable, but it transcends physical comfort. It pleases the eye, but it runs deeper than mere beauty. It feels natural, but it is also intensely human. You associate it with old places and old buildings, but it is more than mere nostalgia. It is that timeless relationship of forms and spaces that human beings intuitively respond to, that human cultures have produced with the same innate sureness with which birds build their nests. It is what makes a place--and the people who dwell in it--feel alive.